NEWZ Smoke               Decision Toolbox

NEWZ Smoke Decision Toolbox



With new research and developments in this space, this NEWZ event has been designed to give you an update on the tools that are available to you if affected by smoke in the future. Join us at GoTafe, Wangaratta Tone Rd Campus as we get updated on all the latest information on how to handle smoke events in the vineyard and winery.

Adapting to difficult vintages

Extreme weather events such as heatwaves and drought seem to be becoming more frequent. This presentation will provide adaptation techniques to deal with these conditions in both the winery and vineyard- Adrian Coulter/ Con Simos (AWRI).

Wine Industry Support tool- the tool in development- feedback session Tim Clune, La Trobe University.

New research from AWRI

Can pre-veraison smoke exposure produce tainted wines?, What level of smoke exposure produces ‘smoke taint’ in wines? Are all varieties the same, or can some varieties tolerate more smoke exposure?, How do consumers respond to smoke-affected wines? - Adrian Coulter (AWRI).

Update on smoke sensor network- Case study/follow up findings from bushfires- Ian Porter, La Trobe University.

Forest Fire Management Update, Seasonal outlook for vineyards, how does the climate outlook translate into bushfires for the coming year. DEWLP technology project- vineyard ownership and contact info- Paul O'Connor and Ben Merritt

Smoke taint support activities for producers

How to conduct a small lot fermentation, Smoke sensory assessment procedures, Winemaking remediation techniques, Smoke information resources- Con Simos (AWRI).

NEWZ Regional Panel introduction and procedures for producers

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NEWZ Forum

NEWZ Forum

NEWZ forum has been designed to provide grapegrowers and winemakers in the North East Victoria with the opportunity to network and learn from their peers and industry experts. The forum combines conference style presentations and practical workshops.

NEWZ the strategy behind the group and its future

How the wine industry is preparing for the future

Innovations and opportunities in the wine industry

Understanding regional climate and fire predictions to increase preparedness

Managing risk

Making considered and strategic business decisions

Best practice vineyard management

More details click here


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Sparkling start to 2023

Sparkling start to 2023

To start off activity in 2023 NEWZ is organising a social event before the start of vintage. Catch up with the community and check in with each other before the vintage 2023 begins. NEWZ will provide an update on what we have heard from you in the surveys/ interviews that have been collected.

Prosecco, Shiraz or Rose, what’s your latest sparkling wine? NEWZ community wineries and growers are invited to come and share your latest sparkling wine with the NEWZ community. We invite you to stand up and share a quick summary of the wine, the fruit that was used in its production and the growing season that produced it. Wines will be purchased by NEWZ (AgBiz Assist) for this event.

Click here to RSVP and register your wines use in this event

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NEWZ Summer Ready Field Day

NEWZ Summer Ready Field Day


This summer ready field day will highlight technology and management options for building your vineyards' resilience in a changing climate. A key focus will be on disease management for the 2022 Harvest.

Disease control Scott Paton - Nutrien Ag

Disease spore detection technologies- Bio Scout

Smart Irrigation Technology-John Pargeter Swan Systems

NEWZ Smoke Senor Network - Ian Porter

Post Fire vine recovery - Dr Richard Hamilton

Morning tea on arrival and lunch provided

Any queries contact Andy Clarke

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